
Showing posts from October, 2017

Schisms on the Left: The Immigration Policy of Jacinda Arderns Labour Governent.

A couple of nights ago, while happily trawling the squeals of terror, prophesies of doom and the great wailing and gnashing of teeth emanating from various so called "centrist" MSM pundits, bloggers, social media commenters from the right, in the wake of the brand new Labour coalition government, my  sense of satisfaction was some what disturbed by a post from somebody I follow on the left criticising James Shaw's comments on questions around Labour's immigration policy. It seems for some, no party will be left enough, hence why tie right often get in. His concerns related specifically to a comment along the lines of "I think its more about the 'quality' of immigration", Made by James Shaw- currently solo co-leader of the Greens. In attempting to point out what I think are pragmatic arguments for reducing immigration numbers, at least for the time being, I inadvertently got into a twitter spat with Giovani Tiso, a self described writer, hum